This time around we gonna have another SERVERWAR against the respectable Community of Entenhausen (Duckburg). On SATURDAY the 08.08.2020 at 19:00 CEST it is gonna be a 10 vs 10 on 8 Tracks with Semi Clean Rules and FREE Car Choice (Raiden RS and Super Venom BANNED) on C-Class 164 max. The Rules will be as followed
No Backwards / Cornerbomb
No intentional Wrecking / Spin-out
You cannot brake late but you can lean on others and block the Rivals but don't ruin them.
No Push-out of the Track and No Wallrides
The Tracks we are gonna race will be a mix of 4 Tracks, picked by each Server
Northland Outer Route Reverse 7 Laps
Boulder Bank Main 6 Laps
Sandstone Main 8 Laps
Pinehills Main 8 Laps
Motorcity Reverse 6 Laps
Midwest Motocenter Main 11 Laps
Espedalen Short 13 Laps
Tribend Alternative 16 Laps
The event will directed, commentated and streamed by the legendary F-BOMB on his Twitch Channel

We will use our individual scoreboard and add up the Final standing to determine the Winner of the War.
If you wanna participate and represent Black Flag, join our Discord and Check out the #competitive Channel and Sign-up in the #sign-up-war Channel!
We are looking forward to an EPIC Battle!
EPIC!! Will probably be the second ever server vs. server-war!!