We have more changes in the website First of all we have new address https://www.blackflag-racing.com/ and we remove all the ADS that coming with free hosting. Share this address to your Wreckfest friends!! - For promotion from today to 31 Aug we give 10.000 XP to every new user in the web. Register in the NEWS section.
- In same way, if you Follow us on Twitter you win 5.000 XP and a adittional 1.000 XP for each post you share there.
We change some styles to give more professional aspect to the website, is not totally finished but will be soon. And the mobile version is now fixed, you can enter with your phone too!! Added a Gallery Section with all the Images our community send us to the Paint with Style event

So amazing pictures to be forgotten, will not happen here! Stay connect for more news about Black Flag, see you on track!!!