PARTY ON !!! We represent to you the next of our competitive Events and this time we bring tyres to smoke on Tarmac! Battle it out with the C-Class BULLDOG on 6 Tarmac Tracks with a Scoreboard and Semi Clean Rules on REALISTIC Damage.
On Sunday, 26.07.2020 at 19:00 CEST it is time again to start the engines and give it your best! Don't miss out on your Chance to be part! Winners will get rewarded with some SWEET Discord EXP and a handcrafted Emoji for Discord.
This Event will have 2 Brackets sorted by very fast group and fast group. 40~ Spots open! The estimated time overall is 3:30 Hrs~ . As we cannot foresee when the first Bracket will have finished their run, we want the Second Bracket Racers to be ready for action at 20:15 CEST.
Prepare your Bulldogs!
- We will surprise you with 6 Tarmac tracks.
- The Winner will get an exclusively animated Emoji with his Nickname on our Discord
- EXP granted on Discord for the Top 5 finishers
- 40 Spots open , split-up into 2 Brackets (Very fast Bracket and fast Bracket)
- We will start this Event off with the slower Bracket followed by the faster one.
- Send PM with your wfservertracker.com link to Admins or for the Sign-up.
- Sign up is closed as soon as Spots are filled, so be quick !
- The Top 3 will be immortalized in our Hall of Fame on our Website
- 1000 EXP for each participant granted! RULES THE RULES ARE #2 SEMI CLEAN WITH REALISTIC DAMAGE - DAMAGE: Realistic - No Backwards / Cornerbomb - No intentional Wrecking / Spin-out - You can brake late, lean on others and block the Rivals. - No push-out. - Start Rules: STAND STILL until F-Bomb gives "GO" sign! Before "Go" Sign there will be a "Ready" Sign. TIME TABLE The Event starts at 19:00 CEST The Server Name is : TBD The Password will be posted 30 minutes before the Event start on #🚦events-prep The Server will be opened at the same Time All participants of the first Bracket (slower one) must have arrived until 18:50 CEST or their place will go to a spare. All participants of the second Bracket (faster one) must be ready for action at 20:15 CEST After each Race there will be a ~5 Minute Break After 3 Races (halftime) There will be a ~10 Minute Break The second Bracket will start as soon as the First Bracket is done. RACE DIRECTOR The Event will be streamed by the legendary @F-Bomb on his twitch Channel

Join the event on Discord